
2021 iThome 鐵人賽

DAY 15

NetSuite Foundation & Customization系列 第 15

SuiteScript - Entry Point

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User Event

  1. afterSubmit(scriptContext): Executes immediately after a write operation on a record.

  2. beforeLoad(scriptContext): Executes whenever a read operation occurs on a record, and prior to returning the record or page.

  3. beforeSubmit(scriptContext): Executes prior to any write operation on the record.

  4. context.UserEventType: Holds the string values for user event execution contexts.


1.fieldChanged: Defines the function that is executed when a field is changed by a user or client call.
2.lineInit: Defines the function that is executed when an existing line is selected.
3.localizationContextEnter: Defines the function that is executed when the record enters the localization context that is specified on the script deployment record.
4.localizationContextExit: Defines the function that is executed when the record exits that context.
5.pageInit: Defines the function that is executed when the page completes loading or when the form is reset.
6.postSourcing: Defines the function that is executed when a field that sources information from another field is modified. Executes on transaction forms only.
7.saveRecord: Defines the function that is executed when a record is saved (after the submit button is pressed but before the form is submitted).
8.sublistChanged: Defines the function that is executed after a sublist has been inserted, removed, or edited.
9.validateDelete: Defines the validation function that is executed when an existing line in an edit sublist is deleted.
10.validateField: Defines the validation function that is executed when a field is changed by a user or client call.
11.validateInsert: Defines the validation function that is executed when a sublist line is inserted into an edit sublist.
12.validateLine: Defines the validation function that is executed before a line is added to an inline editor sublist or editor sublist.

SuiteScript - Entry Point
NetSuite Foundation & Customization16
{{ item.channelVendor }} {{ item.webinarstarted }} |
{{ formatDate(item.duration) }}

